So my baby girl is on her way. I can hardly write this post today. She's learning how to use the toilet seat. OK, lump in my throat. She is TOTALLY into wearing her Dora panties, albeit on top of her diaper. She just moved from her highchair (happy to pass the torch over to her baby brother) on to a booster seat strapped on to the ADULT dining room chair. She's cool like that. Gulp. Baby boy likes to sit with us while we eat at the table. He often squirms until he's lopsided and drooled to the max. He really just likes to be in the mix... always. It's so cute. If he needs to catch a few zzz's while he's in the highchair, then he'll just close his eye lids, thank you very much. I think he could sleep through a NYC subway passing by overhead, if need be. I notice him eye-balling the fork-to-mouth motion, one of the clues that he's ready to start that baby cereal stuff. His doc says it's ok to start between 4-6 months old. And he's 5 months now. Oh jeees. Is it me, or does time start to warp into light speed when you have two kiddies?? Like, seriously. Truth is, I'm not sure if I'm ready to give him cereal, to stop changing her diapers. Not kidding. So, maybe I'll just wait until he's 6 months old, like the APA suggests. I'm holding on to these baby days like a dog on a bone. So here I am, my 2 year old girl is prancing around in her panties, over-the-diaper. She's doing a ballerina dance and pointing her toes to the ground as we speak. And I'm trying to see clearly through these tears that keep coming through. I can't believe SHE has panties. Then the booster seat. AND, we're going to look for a “big-girl-twin-bed”, soon, since we're going to upgrade baby boy from the bassinet to THE CRIB, in his own room. Oy! All of these milestones have me in a cloud of bliss and weepy-blurry eyes. I know it's just part of the Mommy process, but PLEASE... my little 'ol ticker can only take so much!!!
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